KAHL Tuesday 19+ Standings

Pool A
Winter 2024-25 Regular Season Standings
Here4Beer 1713202028613412
Ghostbusters 1713301027704322
Brew Jays 17970101977614
Longhorns 178900016707010
Hard Knox 1751100110275714
Book Hockey 173120208458532

Pool B
Winter 2024-25 Regular Season Standings
Mavericks 1712104028623718
Busch League 1710601021705144
Dirty Mike and the Boyz 1710601021496132
Flames 178603019515222
Mustard Tigers 178801017464432
Mighty Drunks 1789000164954126
Eldale Eagles 177901015475270
Tomori Gators 1751002012355838